Cost Effective, Top Quality Fill Slats For The Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical & Other Industries
Prices Starting As Low As $46 each
Slats for all brands of bottle fillers including Merrill, Lakso, IPS, King & others - compatibility guaranteed.
All work done in-house: design, engineering, production, quality control and testing. Nothing is outsourced.
20 years of experience in the bottle filling slat industry.
Industry-leading product quality, superior customer service, fast turn times and competitive pricing.
Custom-designed slats and fast delivery for new product introductions.​
Slats for tablets, capsules and soft gels including odd sizes, difficult shapes and unique contours or materials.
Custom solutions for existing slats experiencing fill errors, false rejects and other efficiency problems resulting in lost production and reduced throughput times.
Proven track record of supplying solutions and answers, not just a product.
Colors and designs to integrate seamlessly with visual inspection systems.
Tongue in groove slats.
Blade ejector slats to ensure positive purging of all product.
Slats with or without cradles.
Machined from superior normalized HDPE on our highly precise CNC machines.
Designed and manufactured to cGMP guidelines with IQ/OQ documentation.
Sample slat available on new orders to ensure optimal performance. We can duplicate any existing slat and guarantee a satisfactory fill rate when provided with an existing product.